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Old 2005-06-01, 05:56 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Re: Best way to store all these downloads?

Originally Posted by Five
Is that a tiny plastic ring you're talking about or the fake plastic disc that is included?

sharpies are safe for writing on cdr/dvdr media I just write all over those things. maybe one day I'll live to regret it, but everything has been good for years now.
I believe he's talking about the little "bump" that is actually part of the CD. I think he means that it'll keep the CD surfaces somewhat seperated. I agree, but I still don't advise spinning or otherwise moving the CDs too much. I plan on moving mine from their jewels back to the spindles sometime soon, to save space.

I use Sharpies too, but it makes sense that the solvents in the ink "may" screw with the ink layer on the CD, although I think it would be unlikely since the CD has a plastic coating over the ink layer. I never gave it much thought, but it can't hurt to be safe. I only write numbers on them anyway and they're only for archiving purposes. I have everything backed up on HDs too.
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