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Old 2005-05-27, 04:20 PM
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range_hood range_hood is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Re: Two part question

Originally Posted by Cool Breeze
Next question I have for you is that I have a database that I built for archiving my a/v collection. I would like to know what you consider the proper terminology would be for .flac, shn, etc. would be. Since these are compression formats would you group these as you would for dolby b,c, dbx, etc. or would these go under a different heading? Thanks for your help.

Me is only able to answer the second question.... maybe...
Imagine a Sony, an Aiwa and a Mitsubishi Cd-Player with exact the same Philips hardware inside (16 bit, 44.1 kHz).
Some of them chassis are so well built, that you can change hardware, diy-wise (4 to 32 bits/sampling rate from 1 Hz to 655.35 kHz in 1 Hz increments in flac-format).
Others are built that circumstantial that not many other hardware components are able to take place (16bit/44.1 kHz or 16bit/48kHz in shn-format)

Lossless Audio Comparison
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