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Old 2005-05-21, 01:50 PM
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AAR.oner AAR.oner is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: How do I burn .flac & .shn files onto an audio CDR?

Originally Posted by kurt_fire
Thanks for the quick help. Is .wav lossless? Will this degrade/hinder the performance of the audio files?
.wav is a "pure" uncompressed audio file format [also referred to as PCM .wav ] yes, it is "lossless", beacause it has no compression...

lossless compression [such as .flac, .shn, .ape, applelossless codec, etc...] takes a .wav file and "shrinks" its size WITHOUT causing any changes or "damage" to the original .wav file...though each format varies, typically "lossless" files are between 50-70% the orig. wav file's size

lossy compression [such as .mp3, .ogg, .aac, etc...] shrinks the size much more than lossless, but at the expense of the audio...for instance, .mp3 strips out a large section of the high-end freqs completely, thus losing the "brightness" of the sound...

Therefore, for trading purposes [and in my opinion, even for personal listening] Lossless = GOOD...Lossy = BAD

Originally Posted by kurt_fire
I just looked at my "conversion" program. I can convert it to "Wave." Is this what you are referring to?
what conversion program/s are you using?
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