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Old 2005-05-18, 05:04 PM
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DoIFeelLucky DoIFeelLucky is offline
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Location: Toronto
Re: rip audio from a .mov snippet?

I know of a method that uses only free software, and it's worked for me, but it's a little on the tech-savvy side. Be warned, this method does not extract the audio stream from a QuickTime movie (I've tried and tried to do that, but I can't seem to find a way); it only decodes the audio to a WAV file (which means that if it was lossily compressed inside the QuickTime movie and you compress the output to mp3, it'll be transcoded.

To do this, you'll need:

Graphedit (available from Doom9's full software page under "Filters")
QuickTime Alternative (specifically, the DirectShow filter included in the bundle)
wavdest DirectShow filter (copy to C:\WINDOWS\system32\)

Extract GraphEdit to wherever you choose, install QuickTime Alternative (or just the directshow filter component if you want), and copy wavdest to where I said.

Now, open GraphEdit, and click file>render media file. Locate the QuickTime movie. A sort of flowchart will appear, showing all the DirectShow filters that are used to render the movie when you play it, with one video stream and one audio stream. Disregard the video; and look at the last filter in the audio stream (should be "Default DirectSound Device"). Click on it and press the delete key.

Next, click graph>insert filters. In the window that pops up, there are a whole bunch of different categories, all of which contain filters. You want DirectShow Filters>WAV Dest. Select it in the list and click "Insert Filter". From the same list, insert File writer in the same way. A save dialog will pop up, so choose your destination, then give it a name (filename.wav). Click open. Now, close the "Insert Filters" window.

Finally, click and drag a line from the empty "out" pin in the last remaining audio filter to the "in" pin of WAV Dest. Repeat, going from WAV Dest's "out" pin to File Writer's "in" pin. Your graph is complete; press the play button, and GraphEdit will render it, writing your WAV file as it plays. You can close GraphEdit once the writing has completed.

Now you have a wav file decoded from the QuickTime movie. I'd compress it to a lossless format, but you can go the mp3 way if you want - if so, I strongly recommend lamedropXPd V.1.3.3, which is free and available from RareWares' mp3 section, using the --preset STANDARD option.
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