Thread: SBE Explanation
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Old 2005-04-26, 12:05 PM
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Re: SBE Explanation

Originally Posted by uhclem

Flac.exe doesn't 'cause' SBEs. SBEs are already present in the wave files. When you compress wave files that have SBEs and you don't use the sector align feature of flac.exe, then obviously the flac files you produce will contain SBEs.

Similarly, if the wave files you compress don't have SBEs in them, then your flac files won't have SBEs either, regardless of whether you use the flac sector align feature.

I think that's pretty straight forward.
So - in answering my question if the original .wav files have the sbe's and when you convert to flac without the --sector-align option, the frontend will not (in a sense) fix the sbe's????.
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