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Old 2005-04-04, 06:08 PM
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rherron rherron is offline
Columbia, SC
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: AAC vs. .WAV for IPod's

Originally Posted by willndmb
iPod will always skip with aac and mp3
so if you don't want that then you need to do wav or aiff
but they will take but a lot more space
Positively untrue. I have 2 different iPods with over 5000 songs between the 2, all in either AAC or MP3 (mostly MP3 on the old iPod, and a mix of MP3 and AAC on the new one). I listen to my iPod, on shuffle, in my car everyday (30 minutes each way to/from work). My best friend also has 2 iPods. He also encodes to AAC or MP3 and has not encountered this problem. I have just never heard one of them skip. Either has he. We have both had iPods for 3 years. Skipping is just not an issue. Something went wrong when he encoded to AAC. I suggest re-encoding.

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