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Old 2005-04-03, 09:06 PM
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pmonk pmonk is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Batch File .md5 question

I use was using this batch file to create .md5 signatures

@echo off
%~d1 & cd "%~1"
md5sum *.flac > "%~n1.md5"

For some reason it creates two files for verification on the last track?

Checking rtf1983-04-02.dmow.sbeok.md5 (11 files):
checking rtf1983-04-02d1t01.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d1t02.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d1t03.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d1t04.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d1t05.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t01.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t02.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t03.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t04.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t05.flac: OK
checking rtf1983-04-02d2t05.flac: OK

rtf1983-04-02.dmow.sbeok.md5: All 11 files OK

Summary: All 11 files OK
Press any key to continue . . .

Yes - I use TLH but sometimes I like to use other methods!

Any help would be nice!

**Cough uhclem cough**
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