Originally Posted by bigtyke66
Thanks for the reply. I thought that there might be a way to do this. I have various versions of iDVD (v5.0 is the latest) and my settop top plays DVD-As no problem, so it would be great to have my Led Zep and Zappa shows play continually. I need to read up a bit more about DVD authoring and then I'll give your suggestion a try.
DVD-Video authoring and DVD-Audio authoring are different animals. Software that can author one kind of DVD can't normally author the other.
If you haven't found my open source DVD-Audio aiuthoring program that h_vargas referred to, you can find it here:
Using it, you can author a DVD-Audio disc with up to about 6 hours of CD-quality 16-bit/44.1KHz uncompressed PCM audio - normally enough for about 3-4 shows.
It also accepts FLAC files as input, so you don't even need to worry about decoding your downloaded shows to WAV or AIFF first.
Only problem is that there is still only a command-line version of the program. I am working on a cross-platform GUI version (for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows), but that isn't finished yet.
I am currently only distributing Windows binaries - for the Mac you will need to compile it yourself. This isn't hard (you just need to open up a Terminal, "cd" to where Stuffit Expander has put the source directory, and then type "make"), but you will need XCode or the Apple Developer Tools installed.
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