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Old 2004-11-21, 09:28 AM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Naming standards

This is just a guess, but it looks to me that the "etree standard" was put into place to allow etree admins to better handle their database routines. You must admit that between their SHN's in Circulation and sites, they've done quite an impressive job with the gd especially.

That said, I find that in general terms, the format of "artist-yy-mm-dd[DnTn (or title)] seems to be the logical way to work. Obviously, all this info isn't always available.

If SHN/FLAC portable players were more available to people in these trading circles, it would encourage everyone to work more with ID Tags, which in turn would influence file naming standards. Hasn't happened yet.
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