Thread: DTS shows...
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Old 2005-03-24, 05:50 AM
spacejam1 spacejam1 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: DTS shows...

There was some converstion on etree about it being lossy but the administrators allowed it to be torrented. Etree is the strictest site I know and if its good enough for them, its good enough for me. Yes it is true to not every show is going to be dts material. Dan who torrents these at etree picks the sources very carefully and does a ton of work to get them '"just exactly perfect".(B. Weir) I have to say that they really sound wonderful. I agree that just taking a show and formatting it to dts could be a mistake. But with care it is really nice sounding. AS for the lossy compression, I have listened to it and it sounds really great! Isn't that what is important in the long run? They also don't replace the regular shn or flac show. They are an addition to my collection. If you want to check one out I'll do a B&P with someone.
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