View Full Version : Linux Command Line torrent client

2012-01-22, 01:48 PM

For a number of years I have used BitTorrent command line utility "btdownloadcurses" to download and share however lately I have been plagued by "bad data from tracker - bad bencoded data" or similar errors.

I have searched and read numerous possibilities but in the end it all boils down to the BitTorrent client command line interface (CLI) being the problem.

This what I have used :

screen btdownloadcurses --max_uploads 10 --display_interval 10 <torrentfile>

My server does not have a GUI (local or remote) so graphical clients are unfortunately not an option.

My question after such a verbose explanation is; is there an option I need to use in order corrent the BitTorrent CLI or are there suggestions of another more advanced/newer command line utility for Linux?

2012-01-22, 03:35 PM
command line options wouldnt spew errors - its the client/config itself. Consider rTorrent