View Full Version : I need someone to clone/recover a TOC for me...

2005-06-17, 08:54 AM
So yesterday I sat on a coach to London for 3.5 hours, got dragged on a spontaneous 2 hour girly shopping trip round Oxford Street, went to the Mean Fiddler, recorded Team Sleep, got reduced to tears during Natalie Portman, pressed stop on the MD remote as I was being bustled out of the venue, watched the display change to "Saving data" or whatever it says, put the remote back in my pocket and kept walking :rolleyes: , later sat down on my coach home and found myself faced with a blank MD.


Presumbly moving around caused the recorder to jump around in my pocket and maybe for the battery compartment to disconnect. Thankfully I know that all the data is on there, and that it should be recoverable, so I didn't get too stressed out. I am ideally looking for:
- someone who's cloned TOCs before and been successful
- someone in the UK
- someone who can do me a high quality digital transfer while they're at it
but obviously anyone who can offer help may well come in very useful. Some form of time/effort compensation can be arranged if required.

If you don't know what I'm talking about but have an MD deck then have a browse around

Thanks very much in advance :)

2005-06-18, 12:00 PM
i've already made one time a TOC recover with my MD deck (sony MDS JE 780) and it works very well ... my old MD portable (MZ R-30) failled to write the TOC
Now i have a NJB3, it's better to record !!
I'm waiting for an optical cable to make digital transfer of my MD soon (MD DECK >>NJB3>>PC)

if nobody can help you, i'm ok to do this .....


PS: I live in France but in North near Belguim ...

2005-06-18, 02:19 PM
I had no idea this data could be recovered... a friend of mine taped the Hives on MD late last year. He checked it, it sounded great, then somehow it blanked when he hit eject. I doubt he kept the "blank" all this time, tho, but its good to know that there is some way to recover the data when this happens. Are there any links about this available? thanks in advance.