View Full Version : Problem finding correct upload area.

2009-09-14, 05:10 PM
I'm in the process of trying to upload a DVD torrent, but i seem to be having all sorts of problems.I started with clicking on Torrents, then selecting Upload DVD video show.I then went through the process of filling in all the relevant info etc.But this last section has confused me "To access the upload page, simply browse to the Video BitTorrent Forum and press the "New Thread" button in the top left corner. This will direct you to the upload page".Now either i'm completely stupid, or i'm doing something wrong, but i can't find this new thread button anywhere, only in the ISO part of the forums.Please help.Thanks.

2009-09-14, 06:18 PM
You can either get to the Upload page by going to the Video BT Forum and clicking on the Upload Show button (sorry, it used to say New Thread) or going to the navbar and clicking on Torrents > Upload DVD Video Show.