View Full Version : Acceptable to Post?

2017-01-18, 12:24 PM
At TTD can you post an audience recording of a concert that will soon be an official release (but has not been released yet)?

2017-01-18, 02:53 PM
I believe their rule is it can be posted, but would need to taken down once the official release comes out.

2017-01-18, 05:58 PM
I think at places such as Dime, an audience recording of a show that has an official soundboard multi-track professional recording would not be allowed, but I think that here, we understand the difference between audio sources and would make that distinction, yes? I have seen board / FM bootlegs pulled here when official releases come out, but not audience recordings...

I don't really see anything in the FAQ to clear this up. I'd post it and see what happens!:D

2017-01-18, 09:31 PM
You may post it, but if we get notice, we will take it down immediately.

2017-01-18, 09:34 PM
At TTD can you post an audience recording of a concert that will soon be an official release (but has not been released yet)?

Yes. As Audioarchivist stated, at TTD we take into account the different sources. An audience source of an officially released show is permissible, given that the band hasn't requested that it not be allowed (which does and has happened).

Soundboard and FM sources are almost always pulled because they are the same source as the official release.